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Parental Discretion

October 31, 2019 (133 words)

Being the parent of young adults in their twenties is matter of modulation. One has to learn when to speak up and offer advice, and when to keep quiet and allow your no-longer-young charges to figure things out on their own.

It’s not an easy balancing act. You want to help, and you can relate so well to what they are going through, since it feels like you just got done going through it yourself.

The paradox is they do want to hear from you – just not too much.

It’s natural to want to share the benefit of our hard-earned experience with the people we love the most. But every individual’s journey in this world is a little different. And our children deserve the privilege of making certain discoveries on their own.

Robert J. Cavanaugh, Jr.
October 31, 2019

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